Character Graveyard

Here lies the brave souls that either fell in battle, through misfortune or from their own stupidity.

  • Squire Alginon Postlethwaite

    Died heroically facing the overwhelming undead horde, Alginon
    bravely gave his life, so that those around him could live.

  • Braun

    While refusing to run and completely surrounded by Undead, Braun was repeatedly stabbed in the back, if the stabbing wasn't enough to kill him, being dragged over 20 feet to a surgeon most certainly was.

  • Larsa Vexicon

    In the fray of combat while attempting to lift the siege of Adalhard Manor, Larsa was captured by the enemy, Known as the Black Rams, who unfortunately for Larsa, do not hold prisonsers.
    Larsa was immediately executed as a show of force to weaken the defending armies morale.

  • Kismet

    On patrol around the estate, Kismet was attacked by a cloaked figure.
    Although the Figure has never been identified, it is thought that a member of the Black Rams infiltrated the group and assassinated Kismet on the first opportunity.